Hello there!

I am an assistant professor in CS at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

My research interests broadly lie in wireless systems and cyber-physical systems. My goal is to build wireless systems that perceive and communicate with high fidelity unlocking new application potentials. Currently, I am interested in the following themes:

  1. Machine Learning driven radio frequency systems (CVPR 24, ICRA 23)
  2. Wireless for robust autonomous systems (IROS 22, MobiCom 21)
  3. New paradigms in communication systems (MobiCom 24, MobiCom 21)
  4. Novel embedded applications of wireless signals (MobiSys 20, UbiComp 21, IPSN 23)

I am actively hiring Ph.D. students. If these or allied topics seem interesting to you, please shoot me an email!

Learn more about my research here. Below are quick links to a few highlighted projects.

Research Highlights